Posterpresentatie verpleegkundig specialist palliatieve zorg bij Icare
Onlangs rondde W. van Maanen haar studie tot verpleegkundig specialist met succes af. In haar afstudeeronderzoek stond zij stil bij de informatievoorziening over palliatieve zorg en hoe deze te beïnvloeden, te verbeteren zodat de beoogde doelgroep ook werkelijk gebruik kan maken van de nodige palliatieve ondersteuning op een vroegtijdig moment.
The number of patients in the palliative phase is increasing due to an aging
population and the development of new medical treatments. Patients are
dealing with a life threatening condition or vulnerability. The goal of palliative
care is to maintain and improve quality of life where possible. This is achieved
by early identification of physical, psychological, social and spiritual problems.
Aimed at maintaining autonomy, access to information and options. In daily
practice, palliative care is sometimes initiated late or not at all. A recent
practice oriented study shows that people associate palliative care with death,
which means that they are not open to this care. Research shows that
information about palliative care has a positive influence on patient knowledge
and the integration of palliative care.
Bekijk de poster van W. van Maanen, verpleegkundig specialist palliatieve zorg Icare.